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04.04. 2013

Pozvánka na odborný seminář 9.4.2013

Katedra biologie Vás srdečně zve na odborný seminář MODEL MEMBRANES INVESTIGATION - METHODS, který se koná 9.4.2013 od 12:00 hodin v malé aule CN152 budovy České mládeže 8. Seminář povede Dr. Dominika Wróbel za katedry biologie PřF UJEP.

Seminář je pořádán katedrou biologie PřF UJEP v rámci projektu „Šance pro mladé výzkumníky na UJEP“ a série přednášek „Aktuální biologický seminář II“. Prezentace bude v angličtině.

Cell membranes are complex structures made of lipids and proteins. To understand how drug molecules can cross this barrier, first it is necessary to understand interactions between these molecules and lipid bilayers. Model membranes like liposomes are excellent research models for experiments because of their simple composition, easy preparation and a good enough time stability. The lecture is giving general knowledge about lipid model systems which are used in the basic research to investigate the influence of drugs on lipidic structures. Moreover, presentation briefly shows techniques used to research the model membranes and changes in their properties due to drugs influence.
