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23.09. 2014

Přednáška První boranový laser

Srdečně tímto zveme všechny zájemce na přednášku Michael G.S. Londesborough, Ph.D. z Ústavu anorganické chemie AV ČR v Řeži na téma:


která se uskuteční ve čtvrtek 25. 09. 2014 od 13:00 hodin na PřF UJEP,
v učebně CN221, České mládeže 8, Ústí nad Labem.

Eimages.jpgmission from electronically excited species forms the basis for an important class of light sources, that of lasers. Most commercially available solution-processed laser materials are based on conjugated carbon-based (organic) compounds. These materials have, however, several significant limitations, including low solubility, low chemical- and photo-stability, and uncompetitive prices. Here we report a novel and competitive alternative to these existing laser materials that is based on the boron hydrides; inorganic cluster compounds with a rich and diverse chemistry. We demonstrate1,2 that solutions of the borane anti-B18H22 show, under pulsed excitation, blue laser emission at 406 nm with efficiency (ratio of output/ input energies) of 9.5 % and a photostability superior to the commercial laser dye diphenylstilbene (DPS) that has overlapping absorption and emission bands with anti-B18H22. This demonstration opens the doors to a new class of laser materials based on a previously untapped resource for laser technology – the boranes.

