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28.04. 2016

Pozvánka na další seminář katedry fyziky

Srdečně Vás zveme na další seminář katedry fyziky
ve čtvrtek 5. května 2016 od 13:00 hodin v učebně č. 345
Mgr. David Kramoliš,
doktorand doc. RNDr. Michala Varadyho, PhD., katedra fyziky PřF UJEP,

„Acceleration of electrons in a cascading current sheet using test particle approach "

Anotace: Magnetic reconnection has been generally accepted as the key process related to the conversion of magnetic free energy accumulated in the coronal magnetic fields also to the kinetic energy of charged particles during solar flares. Using the time evolution of cascading coronal current sheet structure based on AMR MHD modelling by Barta et al. (2011) we study the effects of evolving electromagnetic fields on individual electrons within the current sheet which has been downscaled towards the dissipative scale. The dynamics of the individual electrons is studied using the Guiding Centre Approximation (GCA) method for various values of resistivity that is taken as a free parameter. We identify the key acceleration regions in the current sheet and give the basic statistics and spectra of accelerated electrons for various values of resistivity. Typical accelerating processes are demonstrated in a detail using several selected test particles.

Doc. RNDr. Dušan Novotný, CSc.
vedoucí semináře