Balú the Sun bear


My name is Myanmar, and I am a Sun bear. In April 2009, the Faculty of Science became my adopted parent, and I became their mascot.

I live in the Zoo of Usti nad Labem and my attendants call me Balú. I was born in January 2002 in the Zoo of Yangon, as well as my mate, female-bear Barma, she flew to the Czech Republic together with me at Christmas 2006.

As you can see from the photo, we are very playful. Best of all, we like looking for bear delicacies on the "bear tree" which is daily prepared for us by our attendants. We are fond of various fruit, however, we will not turn our nose on meat (and, in our native Asia, termites) or coconuts, either.

At least once a year, there are arranged collective visits at the Zoo, during which you will be accompanied by an expert assistant from the Department of Biology and our attendants who will let you take a look at the "backstage". Yet, you can see us every day in the pavilion of carnivorous animals. The Zoo has its quarters at the address: Dráždanská 23 in the Usti district of Krásné Březno. If you just don't have time to visit the Zoo, you will soon be able to look at us via Webcam on the web site of the Faculty of Science (

We look forward to meeting you!








Helemese, nějaké dárky!
To rozbalování je ale práce!
Co to tam je?!?
Sláma... moment, něco tu voní!
Tý jo! Táááákových dobrot!
To snad ani není možný! Já jsem ale musel bejt hodnej!
Myanmar a Barma
Myanmar a Barma
Myanmar alias Balú
Myanmar alias Balú
Barmo, s čím si to hraješ? :)
Myanmar a Barma
Myanmar a Barma